- Sign petitions on change.org (enter “Martis Valley” in their search box to locate them, or go to www.savetahoeforests.com for links)
- Contact your elected representatives, particularly those who sit on the TRPA board
- Tell your friends and neighbors what’s happening and encourage them to attend meetings.
- If you would like to volunteer for Save Tahoe Forests, please e-mail us at info@savetahoeforests.com or call Ann at 775-742-1548. We’re always looking for people to help get the word out. Good at social media? We need you now!
- Write to your local newspapers (Sierra Sun, Bonanza, Moonshine Ink, and others) to voice your opinion.
Contact Placer County:
- Jennifer Montgomery, Placer County Supervisor, District 5 (Placer County Board of Supervisors)
- E-mail jmontgomery@placer.ca.gov
- Phone: 530-889-4010
- Mail: 175 Fulweiler Avenue, Auburn, CA 95603, with copies (at the same address) to:
- Jack Duran (Supervisor District 1), Robert M. Weygandt (Supervisor District 2), Jim Holmes (Supervisor District 3), and Kirk Uhler (Supervisor District 4)
Contact the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA):
- Joanne Marchetta, Executive Director, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA)
- jmarchetta@trpa.org
- 775-588-4547
- Box 5310, Stateline, NV 89449
- Marja Ambler, Management Assistant
- mambler@trpa.org
- Please ask Ms. Ambler to distribute to Governing Board and Advisory Planning Commission